Mr. Mohammad Nasravi 's Speech at the Fourth Series of Scientific Lectures
07 October 2023
Mr. Mohammad Nasravi 's Speech at the Fourth Series of Scientific Lectures

Here is the English abstract of Mr. Mohammad Nasravi's (Pilgrimage Researcher) speech at the Fourth series of scientific lectures of the international conference on Theology of Pilgrimage titled "Reflection of Pilgrimage in Travelogues" which was held online on September 25, 2023.


Anthropological Analysis of the Concept of Pilgrimage in the Travelogues of the Way of St. James

Pilgrimage in Christianity dates back to the birth of Christ and is considered a central concept in this religion. The visit of the Three Wise Men to the infant Jesus is the first recorded pilgrimage in the Gospel. The Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James), which according to Christian tradition took shape after the discovery of the tomb of the apostle James with the guidance of the stars, is another important pilgrimage in Christianity. The Way of St. James is one of the most famous pilgrimage paths in the world. It is the most popular pilgrimage destination in Europe after Jerusalem and Rome. Pilgrimage walks play a vital role in the religious experience of Christians. These walks expose individuals to a wondrous experience of spiritual and meaningful spaces and contribute to an increase in spirituality and faith in Christ. By delving deeper into these spiritual pilgrimages and walks, we can identify the key characteristics and components that have played a role in creating religious utopian places. These studies help us understand the best methods and influential factors in designing and constructing these places, and then we can benefit from them in various religious and spiritual environments.

Translator: Mahdi Qasemi