Announcement of the Fourth International Lecture
24 October 2023
Announcement of the Fourth International Lecture

We are honored to announce that the fourth international lecture of the pre-con events of the international conference on Theology of Pilgrimage will be held online on October 28, 2023, from 14 to 15:15 GMT. At this session, we host Dr. Andrew Petersen, Professor of History and Archeology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He has some very notable publications in terms of pilgrimage sites among which are two books titled Sacred Journey Guide (2021) and Bones of Contention Muslim Shrines in Palestine (2017).

The title of his lecture is “Water and the Hajj: A Discussion on the Provision of Water to Pilgrims on the Hajj in Pre-modern Times”. Those who are interested can participate in this academic event via the following link: